Leon's Microblog – Posts tagged "Puyo Puyo"

What? No, I have no opinions on "The Legend of Zelda". I have never cared about that game series OR its in-universe timeline OR its gender politics in my entire life. I don't even like Nintendo games. I'm a Sega fan, and care only for its flagship high-fantasy franchise, "Puyo Pu
In the good old days… boys used to practice the guitar. But, nowadays… all they want to do is practice "GTR"… Sad, isn't it…
I think it's funny how Puyo Puyo has a reputation for being a game where "only chains matter" and combos aren't important, when after playing similar games like Puzzle-Dama, it becomes abundantly clear Puyo Puyo is one of the few games where combos do literally anything at all.
"Puyo Puyo is basically the Melee of versus puzzlers… you must play for two decades to get good… and while it doesn't destroy your wrists… it… destroys… your /mind's/ wrists………?" – sagacity of Leon
If I could magically split into two independent Leons, I would nobly use this power to achieve the most impossible task in gaming: play Puyo Puyo multiplayer with an opponent of exactly equal skill level. I would /not/ use it for sex purposes, /only/ Puyo Pu
I've been playing Puyo Puyo 1 so much that I can now viscerally feel a difference when my brain is playing good and when it's playing bad. I can actually sense the moment my attention span burns out and I start fishing for the win colour like a bad grappler.
It's sad, really… so many companies cloning Puyo Puyo without understanding where the characters came from, and just making up lumpy blorbo mascots with no design focus or soul… pity… *camera pans to reveal I'm looking at the character screen of SUPER PUZZLE FIGHTER II TURBO*
This was a big mess that should not have worked as well as it did… just goes to show the power of tail chaining to get that little bit further.
Wahoo! It's a new efficiency PB: exactly 4 Puyos per link!! …Don't ask what would have happened if that double green hadn't appeared…
Photo of me after I play Puyo Puyo for over two hours and then go to bed
This one is bad, but do NOT spoil the surprise twist ending for yourself
*Year of Linux on the Desktop voice* This year WILL be the year of Puyo Puyo Becoming Popular In The West
DID YOU KNOW? Every sequel of Puyo Puyo increased the number of Next preview boxes by 1! Puyo Puyo had only one, then it increased to two in Puyo Puyo Tsuu (tsuu = "two"), and so on until the fourth and final game, Puyo Puyo Tetris (tetra = 4).
A very merry Christmas from the cast of Puyo Puyo CD.
Playing Puyo Puyo before bed gave me a brutal case of "puyomnia"… >_<
This one ended up in an awkward spot on top-right that precluded further extension… but still, definitely more efficient than some of the previous ones.
This one's mostly a mess… but, me refusing to use those yellows at 0:57, with absolutely no reds in sight, was me staring God (here represented by Draco Centaurus) directly in the face and not blinking.
A true sign of skill is when you set everything up in 30 seconds and then spend another 30 seconds jumbling around the pieces in the top 4 rows. (Still, pulling that starting green link out of nowhere was pretty slick.)
This would've been great if those reds in the upper middle and those surviving purples hadn't proven to be useless… both getting in each other's way.
The only reason this attempt reached 9 is because the green at 0:57 goes on an unplanned adventure… >_>
Did you know that Puyo Puyo, a videogame made of software, is capable of being played, despite neither being released this year nor even being popular? I just thought that would be a fun fact to relay to you all – an exchange between flickering souls. Anyway what day is it
Well, this one's a PB for fewest remaining puyos, I guess…
🎆FINALLY getting close to my PB…
This is /maybe/ a bit more like it.
This didn't work out as planned
*Arle voice* MIOENS Who is this tweet even for
The voice-actor fell down a trapdoor
Blasted with a sludge bomb for calling Puyo forms "Formes"
*gets a 5-chain in Missile Command, the Cold War-themed 1980 arcade game* Bayoen
It feels like this whole game is a museum of design decisions Puyo Puyo 1's developers shrewdly disregarded – even the basic "connect 3" mechanic feels flimsier than connecting 4, not just because fewer shapes are possible, but keeping chain links separate gets surprisingly hard.
*carefully marches up to a 20-microphone podium while a storm of camera-flashes bleaches the wall behind me, adjusts my tie with one clean tug, then white-knuckle-grips both sides and leans forward with resolution* Puyos
Puyos 7,199 Reposts 618 Quotes 19,238 Likes 84,271 Bookmarks
*explaining via analogy to Moon Remix RPG Adventure* OK, so, Madou Monogatari 1-2-3 is the "fake Moon"… and Puyo Puyo… is the "even faker somehow Moon"…
Me right now
Dipping back into Puyo Puyo 1 after a break, and finding myself unleashing Bayoens even more fluidly than ever before. ✨📈
But when ye come, and all the flowers are dying, If I am batankyuued, as batankyuued I well m
Oh Danny boy, the puyos, the puyos are calling From glen to glen, and down the mountain side, The summer's gone, and all the garbage falling, It's you, it's you must go and I must bide
Me every time a single garbage puyo lands on top of the line I was building to remove a different single garbage puyo https://twitter.com/linkerbm/status/1659043595268096001
On another note, I think it's very funny how Columns, Puyo Puyo, and other stuff like this game all avoid the big difficulty issue with Tetris (overhangs) by simply not allowing pieces to overhang ever.
Everyone who's busily rushing to the atting button to tell me I forgot to put a red somewhere on top of the uppermost purple to make that a 7-chain: your opinion has been noted, stamped, and filed in the palace's grand archives.
I never mentioned this but I really like the original "two lines of garbage puyos" sound effect. It feels both iconic and abstract. It's like an Undertale sound effect that gets used for everything and works every time.
Today on Leon's Quarterly Update: has Leon been hornswoggled and ensnared, like Ulysses by Circe, into learning a mindbogglingly difficult videogame, all by the base venal allure of… HOT CHICKS?? *the screen flashes a render of Arle for 0.2s before instantly swapping to Rulue*
Learning about "the Cushion Form"
People are often surprised to learn that Puyo Puyo does have a first game, and the series doesn't just extend interminably into the past like some kind of "reverse One Piece"
Tetris, despite its abstractness and skill ceiling, is basically a Timmy game, in the sense that most of the joy is in simply finding solves and playing fast. Puyo Puyo is surprisingly Spike-like for its age, but the only people who'd even want to play it are Johnnys.
What was she cooking?
Well, I finally did it. I 1CC'd Puyo Puyo 1 (MAME, normal difficulty) two times in one day. I sure did that. No vid. I am now celebrating by banning myself, for the time being, from Puyo Puyo 1. So anyway, *starts crowbarring the planks nailed over bulging door marked "To Do"*
"Is Puyo Puyo a good videogame?" Let me put it this way. Puyo Puyo is one of the least normal videogames ever loosed upon this earth.
Oh??? You want to know how long I played Puyo Puyo 1, a game I have already 1CC'd multiple times, just today? Well, guess. Go on, guess. More. More. Still more. More. …Look, you seem to be assuming it wasn't an amount of time with worrying health implicati
The Puyotinum Structure. Is this anything. Could you maybe even just hover the mouse over the heart button for a couple seconds
Puyo Puyo is actually starting to feel… easy…
I need to emphasise that Puyo Puyo is very deep and rewarding, but also an inherently, incurably dorky game. Tetris is cool. Touhou spell cards - most of the time - are cool. Puyos never will be.
So just yesterday I rewatched my 1CC videos and felt a little unimpressed at how… scrappy and tooth-and-nail (read: bad) the gameplay was. So, I worked to record a THIRD 1CC that's a more representative of my current skills. See you in July for 1CC vid 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csg-Q5gulO4
You may be wondering, "Leon, honeybun, (in this hypothetical we are a 90s sitcom couple), do you really need to play Puyo 1 for 5 hours a day to get consistent?" To which I say "No… BUT IT HELPS!! FWEHEHEHEHEHE" *I slowly hover up while cackling until I clip through the ceiling*
There are only two kinds of games I like to 1CC: • Games that are cool • Puyo Puyo
God… I am such a fool… such a FOOL!! So you know the copyright warning on Sega arcade games that sits for 10 full seconds? Instead of cranking MAME turbo on to maybe reduce it to 5, just double-tap F2 service mode! It takes you straight to the title screen!! You clown!
FIVE BAYOENS! Now we're getting somewhere!!!!!
Even without forms, my ability to get "dirty Bayoens", ones with no planning and just barely-conscious placement, is increasing as well… what normally would be 4-chains ending in a trio are getting that one missing puyo. Soon… soon I will be slightly consistent at this game…
Zork protagonist in Puyo Puyo shouting random spell names for each chain: "Frotz! Blorb! Gnusto! Filfre! …uhh…" *checks which spells are actually in the games and not just dubiously-canonical spinoff material* "……Izyuk?"
Not going to lie… being able to reliably crank this Forme out on 1CC pace when the colours are right, and just win, feels really good and validating. I enjoy winning, especially when it's just.
*Sunset Riders voice* Bury me with my puyos *I am promptly hit with 60 garbage puyos* No, the other sense of "with"
Jailbreak of the century
It happens all the time: you're minding your own business, when you suddenly get an overwhelming urge to place down two red puyos, then two green puyos on the row above, then a red and a green above that, then a fourth red puyo connecting the top and bottom diagonally, resting on
Whenever I lose in Pochi & Nyaa, I know it was absolutely my fault for not stockpiling long enough or tanking well enough. Whenever I lose in Puyo Puyo, I know it was absolutely my fault for expecting the fourth puyo of one colour in the next 12 pieces and then not freaking getti
What versus puzzle game CPU matches feel like • Puyo Puyo: catapult battle with only timber and ropes provided • Pochi & Nyaa: pistol duel with Metroid charge beams • Panel De Pon: boxing match while wearing plate mail • StarSweep: knife fight atop a mountain of daggers
Trying to get chain length PBs feels like I've unlocked a new, different and far higher echelon of mind-crumbling difficulty that was hidden in this game all along.
This form originated as a part of this famous chain (allegedly), and over a few years, the chain's extraneous elements were removed or iterated on until just the lower-left corner, the secret ingredient, became the only surviving part. https://twitter.com/puyopuyo_gtr/status/1650504381031399424
Trying to leet up my Puyo skills by practicing building this: 🟢🔴 🟢🟢🔴 🔴🔴 This is the most space-efficient way to convert vertical Puyo motion into horizontal motion, allows you to keep building in either direction, and is widely considered the gateway to 6-chains and on.
Realising uses of "<noun> Hell" in Japanese works are probably references to the Eighteen Hells of Chinese Mythology (e.g. "Hell of Blood Pools" 血池地獄, "Hell of Oil Cauldrons" 油鍋地獄) meaning that "Puyo Puyo Hell" (ぷよぷよ地獄) from Puyo Puyo 1 is implied to be among them.
OK, look, the purpose of a system is what it does,
I didn't notice it before, but the autogenerated YouTube thumbnail for my surprise 1CC sequel video has a real clickbaity "how's Leon gonna get out of THIS pickle" vibe.
Puyos Agree if you RT
Live unedited 100000000ppi camera footage of me right now
What? Hard? Nuh mate. Mate. MAAATE. This game's a cinch. A bloody CINCH, mate. There's nuthin' these buggers can do to stop me. Nuthin', mate! *my extreme meltdown-level cognitive dissonance continues making my accent even more Australian than usual* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2CPQ2Bg3pY
So, after a month and a half break, I finally tried to play Puyo Puyo 1 for MAME again. And… … I GOT ANOTHER 1CC.
Saw a review that called Nyaa and Pochi the game's "Carbuncles", which, well… it feels like a tremendous burn to compare the two unaccountable divine forces that steer the game's conflict and watch over all its battles, to pets… even though that's literally what they also are…
They voice-acted the How To Play?? What is this, a PlayStation game now?
All original content on this site, except where noted, is property of Leon, all rights reserved.