Leon's Microblog – Posts tagged "Pokémon"

*suddenly sees a bird on the road, only for it to immediately fly away the instant my gaze hits it* Damn, that guy just set up the Mew Glitch on me.
Everyone shield your eyes – some serious awesome is about to go down. *hits the S.S. Anne truck with the staff from Void Stranger*
The old gen 1 Pokémon joke that the Juggler trainer class constantly switches out their Pokémon was definitely way too subtle for me back in the day.
Blasted with a sludge bomb for calling Puyo forms "Formes"
All the gangster Teams in every Pokémon game happened because their executives played Street Fighter Alpha and thought they could make Shadaloo in real life
OK. I've got this. Pokémon Puzzle League should've had 17 colours (one for each Pokémon type) BUT you only get 5 colours on your board corresponding to your character's types BUT enemy garbage blocks break into the enemy character's colours, not yours (like Meteos). >:)
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