Leon's Microblog – Posts tagged "Tetris"

Oh sure, everyone loves noclipping and BLJing through the hitbox of reality to enter the Backrooms or whatever, but when they see a t-spin triple in Tetris they go "what in God's name" and "what do you mean they programmed it like that on purpose". I see how it is.
On another note, I think it's very funny how Columns, Puyo Puyo, and other stuff like this game all avoid the big difficulty issue with Tetris (overhangs) by simply not allowing pieces to overhang ever.
Tetris, despite its abstractness and skill ceiling, is basically a Timmy game, in the sense that most of the joy is in simply finding solves and playing fast. Puyo Puyo is surprisingly Spike-like for its age, but the only people who'd even want to play it are Johnnys.
*thinking to oneself in meditative contemplation* If the Columns magic gem was in Tetris, it would land on a row, and then all rows with an identical number of holes would be erased. *the corner of my lip imperceptibly twitches in satisfaction*
"In Tetris, empty spaces are garbage blocks that you destroy by filling up." – strange wisdom dismissed as heresy by the ancients
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