Leon's Microblog – Posts tagged "Taisen Puzzle-Dama"

*presses palms together and mutters "thank god the only character in Taisen Puzzle-Dama that's actually playable is also the one with the funkiest story mode ending music"*
I think it's funny how Puyo Puyo has a reputation for being a game where "only chains matter" and combos aren't important, when after playing similar games like Puzzle-Dama, it becomes abundantly clear Puyo Puyo is one of the few games where combos do literally anything at all.
I 1CC'd Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, but I'm not even going to bother recording it because, as always, I just don't like the game's rules or aesthetics. I actually enjoy the /first/ Puzzle-Dama more than this, which is kind of depressing to say. I beat Devilotte though ^_^
I want what they have…
New 1CC!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2OSluR21HY I Literally Only Played This Mode For The Music
🌚Playing Tokimeki Memorial to fully enjoy a well-written, well-designed classic sim 🌓Playing Tokimeki Memorial to fully enjoy the Taisen Puzzle-Dama spinoff of it 🌞Playing Tokimeki Memorial to fully enjoy the secret Easter egg version of it in La Mulana 1
You can design a videogame any way you want. You can just design a videogame like this, and people will actually develop it and play it.
It's understandable, but I do find it pretty funny to consider just how many early-90s Japanese games were all "so y'all heard about Streets?!?!"
Using the F4 key in MAME to extract the full map of Marutama Town from Taisen Puzzle-Dama! This is probably already in VGMaps, but I couldn't resist. Just like true modern-day-RPG towns, it has pleasantly inconsistent building scale AND conspicuously placed roadblocks.
It feels like this whole game is a museum of design decisions Puyo Puyo 1's developers shrewdly disregarded – even the basic "connect 3" mechanic feels flimsier than connecting 4, not just because fewer shapes are possible, but keeping chain links separate gets surprisingly hard.
The overall game balance in this is pretty all over the place. The characters who push lines of garbage upward (like in Columns or Star Stacker) feel kind of useless when they don't actually stop the opponent from finishing their chain.
I can't believe this. Not only is there a character who has Ken from Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo's extremely OP garbage pattern, but the character literally named "Ryo" has Ryu from Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo's pattern (not as weak in this game but still often exploitable)
In these games you play and challenge ordinary townsfolk in a zany small town. Combined with the expressive art style and sometimes idiosyncratic voicelines, the games have a "prime time cartoon sitcom" feel to them. I wanna watch the antics of these guys every 8PM weekdays.
Trying out Taisen Puzzle-dama. This is the ultimate versus puzzle background music of all time, as well as the ultimate versus puzzle character art of all time.
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