Leon's Microblog – Posts tagged "Toryumon"

I've noticed sometimes the chain concludes with a 2-combo… Seems it's because the trigger ignition paints blocks /to the right/ of it in col 4, which then clear with /the ladder up to the trigger/ in col 3, if it forms a C. Potentially explains varying strength for Tyin Nyan.
Committing crimes against game design by doing this with Min Tao… She falls just short enough for the CPU to easily excavate UNLESS you pop dragon IMMEDIATELY after. Still, this may be MORE consistent than her normal plan, simply due to less RNG. #OfCourseTaoNeededBuffs #JAMPPlz
Managed to shore up some consistency by, in a pinch, replacing the second garbage block with a southwest dot (as found by, for instance, splitting a normal C piece above it)… Still, it is possible to literally never get garbage in that column before the opponent pops dragon…
Trying out some chain extension theory… issues with this one are that it A) REQUIRES >=2 and <=4 garbage (no other kind of block) in column 3, and B) requires the D-C trigger no higher than row 5, C) doesn't even necessarily KO outright. Still, pretty impressive advantage.
We, as I recall the old saying goes, take those
Having fun going fast in this game yet again
• Being something different from the usual colour-matching mechanics… even though it means there's only one matchable shape (squares) which isn't very conducive to interesting chaining, it still managed to surprise me with how much reasoning and planning you can get out of it.
Things I love about Toryumon: • Having each playfield be a diegetic doorway or gateway (the titular toryumon) that the characters fight over, which is a great way of contextualising and beautifying the usual tall rectangles.
Originally I was trying to stick with a classic two-column vertical chain tower in columns 5 and 6 (like the stage 5 boss attempts to build) but using up that many pieces + blocking off two columns from garbage drops was a bit much of a tempo + board hit for my character.
YEAH!! I got a Toryumon 1CC! All thanks to the power of garbage block RNG, giant swords, and a little strat I came up with involving a tower of semicircles in column 1 for immediate downstacking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OQTrOW9lVE
First time clearing this stage on 1CC pace… if this can even be called "clearing" and not just the CPU inexplicably throwing a mile-long lead.
Toryumon videogame difficult
On the subject of story modes, I wish Toryumon didn't open with 3 minutes of essentially tutorial fights… Puyo Puyo 1 letting you skip ahead to stage 4 at will is a massive QOL feature…
I really like this character, design-wise – her chains don't actually do more damage than each individual clear, but using them is both slightly faster and strategic, in that a layer of 6-8 garbage blocks is often just better than sending two blocks four times.
First time beating this stage on 1CC pace! Despite my every attempt to choke, I pulled through. At first I thought this story mode was kind of unfair, but maybe there's something to it. *remembers I never explained to my followers (you) what this freaking game is yet* Oh Well
Welcome to my Toryumon frag vid
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