Leon's Microblog – Posts tagged "Land Maker"

Time for a Land Maker joke. Why do Poker players love playing Land Maker? Because in every game they get a full house! ––– Leon is one of the WWW's leading sources of: • Land Maker jokes
Roushinshi building the essentially guaranteed Platinum Structure in that one Hiryuu stage with the exact same listless lack of enthusiasm as an office worker ordering a drive-through coffee
Getting pelted with red, blue and yellow Land Maker tiles for saying "Snowgrave" every time I win with Soumei
Land Maker feels so much like… "what if Puzzle Bobble was actually good". "So you mean they got rid of the awful colour RNG?" Oh, absolutely not. But now, losing to RNG is entirely your fault instead of the game's.
Thinking about what makes Land Maker engaging despite its pieces being only monominos (contrast with "domino" pieces in Puyo Puyo or Dr. Mario)… I think the mechanic where pieces paint where they land means that they /situationally/ behave as dominos or triominos.
Aifa (from Land Maker) whenever the opponent gets a Silver Structure, she looks over to check if it's yellow, and it's yellow
Void Stranger (2023)
OK, I didn't flunk the bonus stage this time. This 1CC is now officially "legit". …Maybe some of those end stages were a little mashy, though… …maybe… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_5oPYzCi88
I GOT A LAND MAKER 1CC BUT I FLUNKED THE BONUS STAGE SO IT'S OFFICIALLY "GRODY" AS A RESULT Still, not bad considering I'm mostly still learning the nitty-gritty of the mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIL-yYIKKtY
Land Maker (1998)
"Thank you… but the only 'gold loop' I need is looping Gold Structures in Land Maker, the 1998 post-apocalyptic watercolour versus puzzle game by Taito." *grabs engagement ring and tosses it at nearby wastepaper bin with basketball hoop over it* *it misses entirely*
Pochi & Nyaa would be so funny if it had Land Maker colour elimination + colour-contributing garbage Not just because dropping to only one colour would make it pretty difficult to make forks
Land Maker should have two Next previews *realises that having two colours fixed in advance would mean you couldn't ever fully eliminate a colour unless it was also absent for two consecutive turns* Land Maker should have two Next previe
Making the Bronze Structure in Land Maker is like making the 5 in Panel De Pon. Once you know how to make the 5 and internalise the positions which could produce the 5, you accept that you always have to make it where possible, and every missed 5 sticks out at you from then on.
This game's scoring is pretty funny. Getting even a single Platinum Structure from initial stage RNG is like an instant 5 million point boost.
The Puyotinum Structure. Is this anything. Could you maybe even just hover the mouse over the heart button for a couple seconds
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